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I do strategic planning for business clients and I know exactly what I want to tell them. But as a sole practitioner, I lack the staff, time, and skill to polish every document I produce—sometimes even to write them. rewrite.com steps in where I fall short, with advice whenever I need it and simple revisions when that’s all it takes. They’re always on time, and the quality can’t be beat.

-Management consultant, major U.S. urban center

rewrite.com made my doctoral dissertation a success. Before, nobody could represent my ideas in professional English that I could call my own. They took the time to say exactly what I wanted and to reorganize all my old work until it made perfect sense. They even helped me prepare for my defense. Thank you, rewrite.com!

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Everybody can use help sometimes, even teachers. I send all my articles, proposals, and workshops to rewrite.com. They let me present my best face to the world and get the kind of response my work deserves. Since I found rewrite.com, life has been easier and my career is at an all time high.

-Professor of TESOL and Education, private U.S. university

Applying to business school is hard. I nearly gave up when I saw all those essays. But rewrite.com broke it all down for me. They showed me what to do for each essay, and then they made each one shine like I’d never dreamed. They even provided tutoring that got me a great score on GMAT and backup for my coursework essays whenever I needed it. That’s what I call service!

-MBA student, Ivy League university

When I first got here from Korea, I knew mostly math and science, and my English writing was bad. rewrite.com helped me get “A’s” in English and humanities from the start. Now I write better, but my professors have higher expectations. rewrite.com still makes sure I have a perfect paper every time.

-Korean undergraduate, Ivy League university

rewrite.com saw me through my masters degree with an “A” on every paper. They didn’t just fix my grammar, they helped me problem solve for analytical assignments and organize complex research. Then they helped me prepare my resume and cover letter and even trained me in job interview skills. Now I’m happily working in my field, thanks to rewrite.com.

-Mental health professional, major U.S. urban center
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